
We enter Ladies, Mens and Mixed Doubles teams into the Basingstoke and District Tennis League. If you are interested in playing for any of our teams, please contact our Fixtures Secretary.

Visiting Teams can find directions to the Club here


Basingstoke and District League

We enter the following teams in the Summer and Winter leagues. Home matches are played on weekday evenings or Sunday afternoons, as follows:

  • Mens A - play Sunday at 2.00pm (Captain: David Bisson)
  • Ladies A - play Friday at 6.30pm (Captain: Sharon de Botte)
  • Ladies B - play Wednesday at 6.30pm (Captain: Helen Osgerby)
  • Mixed A - play Sunday at 2pm (Captain: Emma Barnes -
  • Mixed B - play Wednesday at 6:30pm (Captain: Jonathan Harris)



Players contribute £2.50 per match towards the cost of new balls. Match fees are paid at the end of each season.

Team Coaching takes place on Friday mornings at 11am-12.30pm. 

There is also a Club session on Thursdays, 6–9pm for those who like a fast paced game against harder hitters. It is still a fun session, but is more testing and competitive than other social sessions.

Articles of Association:

5.6.5 Only Members who have paid their subscriptions will be eligible to represent the Club in club teams.