Our membership year runs from 1 April to 31 March. Membership options for new members are detailed below. Existing members are sent a personalised invitation to renew in March.
The fees shown below are those payable today. They may reflect a pro-rata rate, as prices are reduced on 1 October and 1 January.
We use ClubSpark, a membership system provided by the LTA (Lawn Tennis Association). You will be asked to create, or use an existing, LTA account to join. You will need this account to use our online booking system and manage your membership.
Note that you are creating or using your own LTA Advantage account. These details are populated automatically into ClubSpark and establish your identity and ability to manage your family. Therefore, if you use your child's LTA account, you will not be recognised as an adult and will not be able to book courts or coaching correctly etc.
Stripe (card) is our recommended payment option, as your information is entered automatically and your account instantly activated. Bank transfers are a manual process and therefore delay activation.
Once your application is complete, you will receive a welcome email. This will include a code for the main gate padlock and you will be able to apply for a Pavilion key.
If you would like to learn more about our club and membership, or perhaps arrange to play and meet some people in advance of joining, please contact our membership secretary.
Articles of Association:
5.3.1 When applying for membership, you are confirming that you "shall be subject to the Articles and Rules of the Club and shall abide by the Rules of the LTA"
Adult - 2024/25 (Annual £82.50)
01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025
Individual adult
Eligibility: Aged over 18 on 1 April
Family 1&1 - 2024/25 (Annual £110)
01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025
1 adult & 1 junior
Eligibility: Living at the same address. Juniors must be under 18 on 1 April
Up to 2 members
Family 1&2 - 2024/25 (Annual £137.50)
01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025
1 adult & 2 juniors
Eligibility: Living at the same address. Juniors must be under 18 on 1 April
Up to 3 members
Family 1&3 - 2024/25 (Annual £165)
01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025
1 adult & 3 juniors
Eligibility: Living at the same address. Juniors must be under 18 on 1 April
Up to 4 members
Family 2&1 - 2024/25 (Annual £162.50)
01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025
2 adults & 1 junior
Eligibility: Living at the same address. Juniors must be under 18 on 1 April
Up to 3 members
Family 2&2 - 2024/25 (Annual £177)
01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025
2 adults & 2 juniors
Eligibility: Living at the same address. Juniors must be under 18 on 1 April
Up to 4 members
Family 2&3 - 2024/25 (Annual £177)
01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025
2 adults & 3 juniors
Eligibility: Living at the same address. Juniors must be under 18 on 1 April
Up to 5 members
Family 2&4 - 2024/25 (Annual £204)
01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025
2 adults & 4 juniors
Eligibility: Living at the same address. Juniors must be under 18 on 1 April
Up to 6 members
Joint - 2024/25 (Annual £135)
01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025
2 adults
Eligibility: Living at the same address
Up to 2 members
Junior - 2024/25 (Annual £27.50)
01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025
Eligibility: Juniors must be under 18 on 1 April
Student - 2024/25 (Annual £30.75)
01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025
Eligibility: Over 18, but below 25 on 1 April and in full time education