Club Rules

These rules were adopted by the membership on the 26th September 2017 at an EGM called by the Committee in order to incorporate the Club.

In addition to these rules, the Club is governed in accordance with its Articles of Association



1) Classes of Membership

2) Coaches and Members

3) Complaints Policy

4) Floodlights

5) Ball Machine

6) Security

7) Alteration to the Rules


1. Classes of Memberships

Full Member; a Member who is 18 or over 18 on the first day of the period covered by the annual subscription

Student Member: A Full Member who is in full-time education.

Junior Member; a Member who is under 16 on the first day of the period covered by the annual subscription

Youth Member; a Member who is 16 or over, but under 18, on the first day of the period covered by the annual subscription

Non-playing adult Member; a Member who is 18 or over 18 on the first day of the period covered by the annual subscription who is responsible for a Junior Member but is not entitled to use the courts

Life Member: a Member who has been granted Life Membership by the Directors in recognition of long service to the Club

Any other classes of membership as determined from time to time by the Committee and voted on by the membership at a general meeting.


2. Coaches and Members

2.1. The Club agrees that all unlicensed and unregistered coaches and, so far as reasonably practicable, players and other persons using the facilities of the Club/registered place to play will be required, as a condition of such use, to agree to be bound by and subject to these rules, the LTA Rules and the LTA Disciplinary Code, such agreement to contain an express acknowledgement that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 applies and that the LTA and the Club can enforce any breach at its option and in its sole discretion.

2.2. All members agree to abide by the LTA Rules and the LTA Disciplinary Code, and to behave in such a way as to respect all other players at all times.

2.3. Members may bring along guest players, consenting to payment of the fee by entering them in the signing-in book.  The previous years guest fees become payable at the start of the following subscription year regardless of renewal of membership.

2.4. Memberships commencing after 1st October may be granted at a pro rata discounted rate.


3. Complaints Policy

The Complaints Policy outlines the steps that will be undertaken to investigate any complaint brought to the attention of the Committee.


Complaints Procedure

In the event that any Member who is at Odiham Tennis Club (home) or away, feels that he/she has suffered from inappropriate standards of behaviour, breaches of tennis etiquette or club rules in any way by another Member, the following procedures should be adhered to :

3.1. The Complainant should report the matter in writing to the Club Chairman 3.2.  The report should include:

(a) details of what occurred;
(b) details of when and where the occurrence took place;
(c) any witness details and copies of any witness statements;
(d) names of any others who have been treated in a similar way (provided that those people consent to their names being disclosed);
(e) details of any former complaints made about other incidents, including the date and to whom such complaint was made;

3.3. If a member is accused of inappropriate standards of behaviour, breach of tennis etiquette or Club rules, the matter will be referred to the Club Committee.  The Committee:

i. will inform the member, about who the complaint has been made, of the nature of the complaint and when it was made;

ii. may request that both parties to the complaint submit written evidence regarding the incident(s).  This should be submitted within 14 days of the notification in 3.3.i;

iii. may then decide (at its sole discretion) to uphold or dismiss the complaint without holding a hearing;

iv. may (at its sole discretion) hold a hearing (whether or not such a hearing is requested by either party) at which both parties will be entitled to attend and present their case;

v. will have the power to impose any one or more of the following sanctions on any person found to be in breach of any club policy:

(a) warn in writing as to future conduct;
(b) suspend from membership;
(c) expel from the Club if 2 written warnings of conduct have been given to the member concerned (Paragraph 5.6.2. in Articles of Association) ;
(d) exclude a non-member from the Club, either temporarily or permanently; and (e) turn down a non-member’s current and/or future membership

iv. will provide both parties with written reasons for its decision to uphold or dismiss the complaint

vii. either party may appeal a decision of the Committee within 1 month of the Club’s decision being notified to that party.

3.4. When the Committee meets it will take into account any background information deemed relevant including the personal circumstances of the person complained about.  It will consider any advice or guidance that may be appropriate that may be relevant to a resolution of the complaint.

3.5. If a complaint is made about a member of the Committee the person complained about will absent themselves from that Committee’s meeting called to determine the outcome unless called to give their account.


4. Floodlights

4.1  The lights are automatically switched off at 22:00.

4.2  No Junior (under 16) is permitted to play under floodlights without an adult member being present.

4.3 Following a turn-off, the lights of each court cannot be re-ignited for 15 minutes.


5. Ball Machine

Full members can be authorised to use the ball machine after receiving basic training with Health and Safety guidance.  Junior members must never use the machine without an authorised adult being present.  Youth members may be authorised, given a signed agreement to accept responsibility by both parent and child.


6. Security

6.1 Members shall not divulge the entrance code to non-members.  The last to leave shall ensure that both the pavilion and courts are locked.

6.2 Only clean non-marking tennis shoes are to be worn on the courts, current shoe tags must be worn as proof of membership.

6.3 All members are to take care of the Club property.  Parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring that juniors properly use and take care of the courts and pavilion.  The tennis courts are out of bounds to bicycles, roller blades and dogs.


7. Alteration of the Rules

These Rules may be altered by resolution at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting provided that the resolution shall not be passed unless carried by a majority of the Members present and voting at the General Meeting, the notice of which contains particulars of the proposed alteration or addition.